Mega Surprises of Mega Projects

In this thinkbook, ALICE Technologies discusses surprising insights on the challenges and complexities of megaproject construction, including the potential for unexpected impact posed by large infrastructure projects and how innovations in construction optimization can improve planning and execution.

Here's what we cover in this thinkbook:

  1. Introduction
  2. Common challenges of megaprojects
  3. The enormous impact of megaprojects
  4. Case study: Burj Khalifa
  5. Megaproject statistics
  6. Unexpected insights and surprises
  7. The megaproject paradox
  8. Can technology help solve megaproject challenges?
  9. Case study: UK’s High Speed 2 Rail Project


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Mega Surprises of Megaprojects

In this thinkbook, ALICE Technologies discusses surprising insights on the challenges and complexities of megaproject construction, including the potential for unexpected impact posed by large infrastructure projects and how innovations in construction optimization can improve planning and execution.

Here's what we cover in this thinkbook:

  1. Introduction
  2. Common challenges of megaprojects
  3. The enormous impact of megaprojects
  4. Case study: Burj Khalifa
  5. Megaproject statistics
  6. Unexpected insights and surprises
  7. The megaproject paradox
  8. Can technology help solve megaproject challenges?
  9. Case study: UK’s High Speed 2 Rail Project


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