Optimizing shutdown + turnaround projects

Best practices for optimizing shutdown and turnaround projects with AI

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Shutdown, turnaround and outage (STO) events are critical and high-stakes projects where every minute of downtime translates into significant production losses and operational costs. Therefore, optimizing these events is crucial to enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and maintaining a competitive advantage.

In this expert-led webinar wherein we addressed today's key STO challenges and explored best practices that can optimize your STO operations.

Session takeaways:

  • How to minimize facility downtime and production losses
    Discover how our customers leverage ALICE to integrate their existing P6 and MS Project schedules and run advanced simulations to determine the optimal work sequence to minimize losses.

  • How to minimize turnaround costs
    How to automate scheduling activities and make data-driven resourcing and logistics decisions to minimize spiraling turnaround costs.

  • How to optimize for risks and delays
    See how ALICE enables automated, generative project recovery and creates an anti-fragile schedule to efficiently manage, mitigate and recover from risks.


Kevin Fuller Industrial Solutions Leader
Andy Gabele Director, Solutions Engineering

Watch the recording