Construction project management is a huge job that is centered around planning, optimization, and execution. As construction project managers go through the phases associated with every project, they’re constantly looking to find ways to optimize time, money, and resources. With every project having its own variables, it can be overwhelming and inefficient to try to solve all challenges manually. Read on as we explore the phases of construction project management and software to help optimize every project, every step of the way.
What does construction project management (CPM) mean?
In simplest terms, CPM is the role of managing a construction project for a client from start to finish. Prioritizing the clients needs and budget is at the forefront of every decision. Construction project managers wear a lot of hats and hold an abundance of responsibility thus validating the need for effective project management software.
What are the challenges of construction management?
Construction management is a huge job. From crafting structures with intricate details to constantly finding ways to optimize efforts, there are many details to evaluate and constantly monitor. Most projects will encounter challenges of some sort along the way. Here are some common challenges of construction management.
What are the 5 phases of construction project management?
The 5 phases of construction project management are initiation, design, procurement, construction and monitoring, and closeout. Most project managers compartmentalize construction projects into 5 phases, but some expand the project into 6 phases. Let’s dig deeper on what each phase entails.
Phase 1 (Initiation): The initiation phase involves researching requirements and defining project scope. budget, and feasibility. This phase can also be referred to as the pre-design or planning phase. Before creating schematics or building, everything that takes place can fall under the initiation phase. In some cases, this phase can result in a no-go. Regardless of the outcome, this phase is crucial in laying the proper foundation for what lies ahead. Activities that can take place during this phase include a feasibility study, project initiation document (PID), and construction documents.
Phase 2 (design): The design or pre-construction phase involves creating comprehensive plans and necessary preparation work to begin construction. During this phase cost estimates can also be more closely examined. This phase will set up the procurement phase in which equipment and materials are sourced. Activities that can take place during this phase include selecting contractors, establishing chain of command, finalizing construction costs, assessing risks, and filing paperwork required for construction (i.e. conducting environmental tests, submitting documents to obtain permits, etc.)
Phase 3 (procurement): The procurement phase starts to execute what you’ve just planned for. In this phase you will start to source and purchase or rent materials and or equipment needed for construction. Before moving onto the next phase you’ll want to ensure that all necessary team members, contractors, and subcontractors are hired.
Phase 4 (construction and monitoring): The construction and monitoring phase is when the physical construction of a structure starts. Now, most of the hard work is on your contractors and subcontractors, however, surprises can still occur and you’ll want to ensure the team stays on track. Quality of the work will also come into play.
Phase 5 (closeout): The closeout phase involves quality checking the finished product and ensuring all is complete before signing off the job. Activities in this phase can include reviewing the project with the client, finalizing documents, and transferring ownership and deliverables.
What is construction project management software?
Construction project management software helps keep construction project managers organized, store documentation, log communications, budget, provide reporting, schedule timelines and events, and so much more. Construction project management software that’s user friendly and can help optimize efforts is an extremely valuable tool. It can make all the difference in the efficiency of the construction project manager and experience of the client and those involved.
How can ALICE help project managers through every phase of construction project management?
ALICE can optimize every phase of every construction project. It allows you to invest more time bringing your clients' vision to life and trimming down costs without cutting corners. Our software can automate optimization, identify risks, provide mitigation solutions, integrate project controls, and increase margins and revenues. With ALICE Core, you can get started by uploading your project’s schedule (various compatible file formats). The software enables you to make your schedule flexible, an essential step in unlocking optimization.Furthermore, you can use our software to run what-if analyses to plan for challenges and evaluate time versus cost comparisons to aid you and your client in choosing the most efficient path for your project.
What are the features of ALICE construction project management software?
ALICE stands apart from other construction management project softwares with advanced features working to reduce the cost of construction and optimize efforts.